Church Staff Members

Craig Wehmeyer
Senior Pastor
“I ride my bike to church uphill both ways.”

Jacob Sipes
Associate Pastor
“I play the organ, but preaching’s more my thing.

Nathan Pennington
Director of Parish Music
“I can preach, but playing the organ is more my thing.”

Kelly Hardt
“I was studying to become a film director before I became a Deaconess!”

Terri Gerhart
Church Secretary
“I worked at a Branson country music show when I was in college.”

Jean Schaible
Business Manager
“My birth certificate has someone else’s first name on it (scratched out).”

Jacob Adams
Director of Youth & Family Ministry
“A DFLM is never late. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.”
Teachers & School Staff Members

Nick Hopfensperger
School Principal
“Dad jokes and bad puns are my specialty!”

Sam Eckman
Asst Principal + 7th Grade Teacher
“I like to share a daily history meme in my classroom.”

Sarah Delleart
Director of Marketing & Public Relations + 6th Grade
“I am the only sibling from my family to never attend school at Immanuel!”

Adrienne Massmann
5th Grade Teacher
“You can never have too many pens.”

Angela Kaemmerer
3rd Grade Teacher
“I met my husband at the ILS Dinner Auction!”

Rebekah Krause
Kindergarten Teacher
“Sunflowers are my favorite flower.”

Robbi Eckman
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
“I love science. I enjoy putting science experiments into my curriculum units during the school year.”

Jillian Van Leer
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
“I love all types of music! I can listen to pretty much anything and enjoy it!”

Emily Hopfensperger
Preschool Teacher
“In a family of Cardinal fans, I stand alone and cheer for the Cubs!”

Hailey Gerard
Toddler One Lead Teacher
“My favorite thing to do is spend time with my family.”